Project title: LIFE19 GIC/CZ/001333 – RegENERate: Mobilising Regions for Energetic Re-development and Transformative NECPs 

Project acronym: RegENERateLife 

Start date: 01/01/2021  

End date: 31/12/2023 

Source of funding: LIFE Programme 

Overall project value: 1,303,239 Euro 

Project objective: 

The overall objective of the project is to support the CEE countries’ contribution to the EU efforts towards a net-zero emissions future. The project will contribute to more ambitious and effective climate and energy policies in CEE, backed by a long-term commitment to phase out fossil fuels, improve energy efficiency and promote renewable energy. We will specifically focus on regions in transition from a fossil fuels-based economy and coal, shale oil and less developed regions that are disadvantaged in terms of socio-economic situation and environmental problems.  


Romania: Bankwatch Romania Association/Asociația Bankwatch România:  

Slovakia: Priatelia Zeme-CEPA www.ž 

Estonia: MTÜ Eesti Roheline Liikumine  

Latvia: Zaļā brīvība 

Hungary: National Society of Conservationists (Friends of the Earth Hungary)  

Poland: Alliance of Associations Polish Green Network  

Bulgaria: Ekologichno sdruzhenie „Za Zemiata“ Za Zemiata / Friends of the Earth Bulgaria 

Project website: RegENERate: Mobilising Regions for Energetic Re-development and Transformative NECPs